Blindfold Games: The games are back! (#224)

IEP Process :  ECC Games for Visually Impaired Students

IEP Technologies is our new organization where we are building Expanded Core Curriculum games for vision impaired students, based on each child’s IEP . 
The child’s advancement in acquiring skills in our education-based games are stored in a private secure cloud, accessible to the school team in a web-based console . 
If you are a TVI , press for more details on trying these types of games as a tool for maximizing student outcomes, relating to their 
504 school plan

The games are back

I received a call from Adam on Friday night, and he said the review team had a chance to look at the Blindfold Games again, and understood why they are separate apps, and that the games can continue.  He mentioned games address a need that’s not normally considered by most app designers, and acknowledged how the games are focused on the needs of the visually impaired community.
New updates will be processed, and new games will be reviewed as before.   I’ll go into more details about the discussion in a blog next week, but I wanted to get the word out to everyone.
I want to thank the everyone for contacting Apple and spreading the word about the games.  I have heard from so many people – far more than I had hoped – telling me how much the games mean to them, and how they appreciate my efforts.  It has meant a lot to me, and I truly thank you.
Have a great weekend!

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